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Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda

Arcade Video game published 27 years ago by Visco Corp.

Listed in MAME

Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda screenshot

Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda © 1997 Visco.

Koi Koi Shimasho 2 is a strip hanafuda game featuring eight beautiful opponents. While the character designs are simpler than in the original, Koi Koi Shimasho 2 makes up for it with decently animated dialogue sequences and well animated stripping sequences.


Main CPU : V60 (@ 16 Mhz)
Sound Chips : ES5506 (@ 16 Mhz)

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3


Koi Koi Shimasho 2 was released in December 1997 in Japan.

'Koi Koi' is one of many games that is played with hanafuda cards.


1. Koi Koi Shimasho - Super Real Hanafuda (1995)
2. Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho (1996)
3. Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda (1997)
4. Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho 2 (2000)


Game's ROM.