Star Trek © 1971 Mayfield, Mike.
It's the player's objective to destroy 17 Klingon ships within a limited time. The playing field is divided in 8x8 quadrants, each again divided by 8x8 sectors. A sector is shown to the player as a 2D map with the Enterprise's location, stars, starbases and Klingon ships. Using the long range scanner the player can find out if surrounding quadrants have star bases or Klingon ships. The player must navigate the clusters to find Klingon ships and use his shields and photon torpedoes to destroy them. Torpedoes and phasers must be fired in a direction and a distance. The strength of phasers depends on the distance between the Enterprise and the target. A calculator can be used to determine the direction and distance between two sectors. Stars block a torpedo's path. The player's ship can take damage. Individual parts have their own hitpoints (warp engines, short range sensors, etc.). This damage can be repaired at starbases.
Initially played using a teletype printer, later versions would use a screen.
Written by: Mike Mayfield
* Computers:
HP 2000C (1972)
Data General Nova (1974) as Super Star Trek
Wang 2200 (1975)
Altair 8800 (1976)
Commodore PET (1978)
PTC Sol-20 (1978)