Empire IV © 1976 Control Data Corp.
The fourth official version of Empire integrates many of the simplifications and setting elements of Empire Michelin although the story prompts were made optional. New is a strategic view which allows a more zoomed out view of the galaxy. Each player controls a starship which can destroy enemy starships, bomb enemy armies, beam up friendly armies and beam them down on enemy or neutral planets to capture them. The characteristics of the starships differ between races. Ships featured classic space ship weaponry such as phasers and torpedoes.
This version of the game has 4 teams (Federation, Romulans, Vulcans (later renamed Orions) and Klingons (later renamed Kazari)) and allows 32 players. Whichever team manages to conquer all 25 planets establishes an empire and wins the game. Occasionally in games a doomsday machine can appear. The only way to destroy it by carefully timing a self-destruct.
Written by: Chuck Miller, John D. Daleske, Gary Fritz, Mike Rodby, Silas S. Warner