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Home T.V. Game Mk III [Model VM 3]

Console (dedicated) published 49 years ago by Videomaster

Not listed in MAME yet

Home T.V. Game Mk III © 1975 Videomaster [Waddingtons Videomaster Ltd.]

This is the third and last version of the Videomaster Home T.V Game.

This dedicated console features 3 Pong games:


Model VM 3


Released in late 1975 as model VM 3, this system used the same circuit board as the Olympic Home T.V. Game (model VM 3-D). Its simpler games only allowed vertical paddle motion with manual serve.

Later in 1976, an add-on circuit, model VM 5, was released. It added sound effects and "follow-me" on-screen scoring (two squares moving step by step each time a point is marked or lost). Additionally, VM 5 flashed the winner's paddle or hole on the screen. Finally, the intelligent design of this kit modulated the sound signals so as to make them sound off the TV set, saving a small speaker that would have not fit into the system. The number of VM 5 kits produced remains unknown and is likely to be small.