STTRK © 1972 Light, J. J.
An early variant of Star Trek. The player is tasked with destroying all Klingon ships while controlling the Starship Enterprise. The player can fire phasers and torpedoes, both to the rear and to the front of the ship. The player can also fire a drone which deals damage if it hits another ship. The game plays in turns and during a turn the player can move, rotate, or fire one of the weapons. If the player doesn't move inertia still makes his ship move a little bit. Movement speed is also dependent of how much of the shields of their ship are still up. Shields can be redirected to face the enemy. The player can also surrender or bluff (called cloak in later versions), but both only once per game or the actions will fail.
Released in July 1972.
Developed by: J. J. Light