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Island of Secrets [Enhanced ver.]

Commodore VIC-20 type-in published 40 years ago by Usborne Publishing

Not listed in MAME yet

Island of Secrets [Enhanced ver.] © 1984 Usborne Publishing.

Graphical text adventure version.

You must find the objects of power, take them to the Island of Secrets, and use them to restore warmth and light to the world. It use two-word commands.


it requires a 24K expansion.


Published as a type-in program in the British book; Island of Secrets.


Commands accepted: north, south, east, west, up, down, in, out, look, get, take, go, give, drop, leave, eat, drink, ride, open, pick, chop, chip, tap, break, fight, strike, attack, hit, kill, swim, shelter, help, scratch, catch, rub, polish, read, examine, fill, say, wait, rest, wave, info, quit.


Game's Listing; Island of Secrets.