The Impossible Game © 1983 Telesys.
An unreleased prototype.
A playable copy of the game was shown at the Januari 1983 CES. According to Leonard Herman, the object of the game is to successfully navigate through six levels of 36 squares that are randomly chosen by the computer. Description from an interview with programmer Alex Leavens in the August/September 1983 issue of Video Games Player magazine: 'It's a puzzle game, sort of like Rubik's Cube. You don't blow anything up and nobody gets hurt - it's strictly a mental challenge. If you take the number eight and raise it to the 21st power, that is the total possible number of moves in the game. Out of all that, there is just one correct path. If you solve it, something very spectacular happens, both visually and auditorally.'
Programmer: Alex Leavens