Memomax + Astro Analyst © 1984 Rodney, Fred.
Memomax is played just like 'Merlin' and other such games. Use joystick (1) to match the positions and tones displayed after each round. Number of positions and tones increases by one each round. Speed increases by 1/30 of a second to a max speed 1/3 second. Starting speed is 1 second.
Astro Analyst is a one-player game in which the computer will list personality traits (i.e. quiet, logical, sensitive, shy, etc.) based on how you answer the unique program. This computer program is based on an actual psychological exam that presents you with a choice of symbols. The symbols that you select are interpreted by the computer according to the formula programmed into it for doing so, and results in a list of personality traits after all thirteen selections have been made.
Programmer: Fred Rodney
See Goodies section.