Microtrek © 1979 Fabris, Robert.
Microtrek is a very small version of the Star-Trek game.
Command Summary:
1.Move to Sector (row,column)- On an 8 x 8 quadrant of sectors, you can move to any legal, unoccupied sector. If you are adjacent to a Starbase, you are docked, restoring your energy and in a safe haven from which to fire. If either sector command is zero, the command is cancelled.
2. Move to a New Quadrant-extends search for Klingons and Starbases.
3. Fire on Sector (row, column) - Watch energy. Again, if either value entered is zero, the command is cancelled.
4. Sensor Report(of current quadrant): * are stars; B is StarBase; K is Klingon; and E is Enterprise
5. Status Reports - These are optional, upon-request displays
Published in
Arcadian 1, no. 11 (Oct. 31, 1979): 88-89.
Arcadian 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 4. (Corrections and Suggestions)
An extended version was available from the programmer at $1.50 your tape, 3.50 on his.
Programmer: Bill Andrus