Toki © 1989 TAD Corp.
Export release. For more information about the game itself, please visit the original Japanese release entry; "JuJu Densetsu".
The game for Export was named after the name of the son of the owner of TAD; Toki. It was released on February 22, 1990 in the USA. 1452 PCBs were available. 150 additional PCBS were available in March.
This American version has an additional 'Winners Don't Use Drugs' screen during the attract mode.
Atari 7800: Unreleased prototype.
Atari Lynx (1990)
Nintendo NES
Sega Mega Drive (1991)
Commodore C64 (1991)
Atari ST (1991)
Commodore Amiga (1991)
Game's ROMs.