Eamon Master Disk + Beginners Cave © 1979 Brown, Donald.
Eamon casts the player in the role of a free-wheeling fantasy adventurer who undertakes dangerous quests against numerous enemies to earn riches and experience. Home base is the Guild of Free Adventurers, an association of heroes on the mystical world of Eamon, a vaguely Medieval place awash in magic and populated with strange creatures. Most adventures take place in the dungeons, castles and forests of Eamon, though some occur on other worlds or in different eras.
In the late 1970s, Des Moines resident Bill Fesselmeyer introduced his friend Donald Brown, then a student at Drake University, to the game of Dungeons and Dragons. Fesselmeyer, who was also a founding member of the local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, conceived the idea of a computer-based version of a D&D-like role-player game and encouraged Brown, an aspiring programmer, to create one. The result was the first version of the non-commercial text adventure game Eamon, completed sometime around early 1979.
Brown initially distributed Eamon through the Computer Emporium, a computer supply store in Des Moines founded by Richard Skeie where Brown worked, and authored several adventures for the series before moving on to other projects.
Eamon is notable for being one of the first adventure games designed to be modular, with expansion packs written by users forming an integral part of the game experience. More than 270 individual Eamon adventures have been written by various authors to work with the Eamon system.
The game's splash page uses the same image used for the title screen of the Robert Clardy game, Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure.
By: Donald Brown
In 1985, Jon Walker from Marshfield, Wisconsin converted Eamon to the PC and released several converted and new adventures. Eventually the disks were released through various shareware organizations and garnered a minor following.