Mega Man III © 1990 Capcom USA, Incorporated.
North America version. For more information about the game, please see the original Japanese version entry; "Rockman 3 - Dr. Wily no Saigo!? [Model CAP-XU]".
Description from the USA version back cover:
It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who've had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it!
Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It's a wrenching job, the worst - and the best - that Mega Man's faced so far!
Mega Man III was released in November 1990 in North America.
1. Mega Man [Model NES-MN-USA] (1987, NES)
2. Mega Man II [Model NES-XR-USA] (1989, NES)
3. Mega Man III [Model NES-XU-USA] (1990, NES)
4. Mega Man IV [Model NES-4V-USA] (1991, NES)
5. Mega Man V [Model NES-MZ-USA] (1992, NES)
6. Mega Man VI [Model NES-G6-USA] (1993, NES)
7. Mega Man X [Model SNS-RX-USA] (1993, Super NES)
8. Mega Man X2 [Model SNS-ARXE-USA] (1994, Super NES)
9. Mega Man - The Willy Wars (1994, Mega Drive)
10. Mega Man 7 [Model SNS-A7RE-USA] (1995, Super NES)
11. Mega Man X3 [Model SNS-AR3E-USA] (1995, Super NES)
12. Mega Man 8 (1997, PlayStation)
13. Mega Man X4 (1997, PlayStation)
14. Mega Man X5 (2000, PlayStation)
15. Mega Man X6 (2001, PlayStation)
16. Mega Man Zero [Model AGB-AZCE-USA] (2002, GBA)
17. Mega Man & Bass [Model AGB-A6ME-USA] (2003, GBA)
18. Mega Man Zero 2 [Model AGB-A62E-USA] (2003, GBA)
19. Mega Man X7 (2003, PS2)
20. Mega Man Zero 3 [Model AGB-BZ3E-USA] (2004, GBA)
21. Mega Man X8 (2004, PS2)
22. Mega Man Zero 4 [Model AGB-B4ZE-USA] (2005, GBA)
23. Mega Man 9 (2008, WiiWare, PSN, XBLA)
24. Mega Man 10 (2010, WiiWare, PSN, XBLA)
Game's ROM.