Cool Riders © 1995 Sega Enterprises, Limited.
A funny motorcycle racing game.
Sega H1 System hardware. This is a unique system that was developed to drive multiple monitors from the same board (2ea at Medium res and 4ea at Standard Res).
Main CPU : SH-2 (@ 28 Mhz), 68000 (@ 16 Mhz), SH-1 (@ 16 Mhz)
Even if titlescreen says 1994 (development year), Cool Riders was released in April 1995 in Japan.
The one and only game produced on Sega H1 System.
Soundtrack releases :
Sega Motorcycle Music History [Wave Master - WM-0634~5 - Aug 14, 2009]
During attract mode, the song playing is 'Born to be Wild' by Steppenwolf. It was not contained in the 'Sega Motorcycle Music History' soundtrack, probably due to licensing issues.
Composer: Hiroshi Miyauchi
Game's picture.
Game's ROM.
Game's screenshot.