バンク パニック © 1985 Sega Enterprises, Limited.
(Bank Panic)
This port is more of a remake than a port. The scoring is very different, and it is nearly impossible to get past level 14 due to the insane speed of the shooters! The instruction booklet also has an incorrectly placed screenshot of the arcade version on page 9, and the instructions are based on the arcade version instead, making it mostly incorrect for this version.
Sega My Card
Model # C-53
Original price: 4,300 Yen.
Export releases:
"Bank Panic [Model 4006]"
[EU] "Bank Panic [Model 4084]"
[EU] "Bank Panic [Model MK-4584-50]"
Developed by: Sanritsu
Game's screenshots.
Game's ROM.