Hexen © 1997 GT Interactive.
GT Interactive's foreboding adventure blends Doom-style brawling with puzzles and mazes worthy of a master sorcerer. You'll need to muster all your action, RPG and tournament-fighting skills before you plunge into this brooding netherworld festering with ghastly beasts.
Thirty-one levels guarantee a long day's journey into the night. Before entering Hexen, you'll pick a character from three different classes -- Fighter, Cleric and Mage -- each of which has special strengths and weaknesses. Once inside the belly of the beast, you'll be in for a stained-glass-smashing, flask-guzzling good time. Conserve your energy and seek out armor and advanced weaponry. And save your game often with your Controller Pak. Ettins, Afrits and other things that go chomp in the night lurk around every dank corner!
Hexen's multiplayer capabilities set it apart from earlier first-person shooters. As many as four can work together in Cooperative mode, but we're betting that Deathmatch, which also supports as many as four players, generates a far higher body count. Novel power-ups include the Dark Servant, which creates a short-fused bodyguard who will rage against your enemies for 30 seconds, and the Circe-like Porkelator, which enswines minor monsters. Ahh, nothing like a bit of dungeon humor!
Released on May 31, 1997 in the USA.
Export releases:
[EU] "Hexen [Model NUS-NHXP-EUR]"
[FR] "Hexen [Model NUS-NHXF-FRA]"
[JP] "Hexen [Model NUS-NHXJ-JPN]"
Producer (id Software): Shawn C. Green, Barrett Alexander
Producers (GT Interactive): Asif Chaudhri, Robert Wong, Jason Perkins, James Tripp
Producer (Software Creations): Marc E. H. Dawson
Programming: Stephen Ruddy, Allan Findlay
Sound: Paul Tonge, Martin Goodall, Suddi Raval
Music: Paul Tonge, Martin Goodall, Suddi Raval
Graphics: Francis O'Brien
Quality Control: Paul Lee, Simon Hundleby, Craig Dobson, Chris Brooks
Game's ROM.