Mushihime Sama Futari © 2006 Cave Company, Limited.
A vertically shooting game, where players get a choice of characters. Each craft has a different ratio of speed to firepower.
The main characters in this version are 'Hiro', 'Kiniro', 'Palm' and 'Reco'.
Cave 3th Generation Hardware
Main CPU : Hitachi SH-3 CPU, 133 Mhz Clock
Sound Chips : Yamaha YMZ770C-F
Players : 2
Control : 8-way Joystick
Buttons : 3
Developed by Cave and distributed by AMI (Amusement Marketing International).
The first version of this game was released in october 2006. But this version had serious bugs, so they quickly replaced this version with the 1.5 one.
A secret code was available on the first version of the game.
1. Mushihime Sama (2004)
2. Mushihime Sama Futari (2006)
Microsoft XBOX 360 (Nov.26, 2009; "Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 [Shokai Ban] [Model 5AD-00001]")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (Nov.26, 2009; "Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 [Gentei Ban] [Model 5AD-00002]")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (Nov.26, 2009; "Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 [Model 5AD-00004]")
Game's ROMs.
Game's screenshots.
Official website;