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Legend: original release ORIGINAL | sample SAMPLE | canceled project CANCELED | re-release REISSUE | export release EXPORT | P PORT | Hb HOMEBREW | Sw SHAREWARE | 18 ADULT
709 results found (according to filters & search parameters)

TypeName ▼Year ▼Publisher ▼
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Honor Quest Hb 1996Destiny Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Honor Quest II Chapter One Hb 1997Autumn Dreams
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Honor Quest SE Hb 1997Autumn Dreams
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: KM's Univers! Hb 1996KMSpill
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Mini Darkness Hb 1998Autumn Dreams
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: nWo Hollywood Hb 1998Duky Inc.
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Oh No! Not Another Star Wars Parody! Hb 1996CapnKev
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Rangest Hb 1997Hewer, Darren
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Rush Hb 1999Software Visions
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Smiley RPG Hb 1997Destiny Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Spirit Revenge Hb 1997Autumn Dreams
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Talon's Tale Hb 1997LaMar, Jeremy
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: The Endless Journey Hb 1999Interactive Fantasies
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: The Evil Midnight Bomber vs. the City199?Impulse Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: The Most Meaningless Game in the World 6 Hb 1997JDewbre Games
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Weirdland V - It's a Mad, Mad World Hb 1999ESD Games
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Weirdness Chapter I Hb 1996Software Visions
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Weirdness Chapter One SE Hb 1999Autumn Dreams
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Zeux III - Chronos Stasis Hb 1994Software Visions
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Zeux IV - Forest of Ruin Hb 1995Software Visions
IBM PC DOS pack.original MegaZeux: Zeux V - Catacombs of Zeux Hb 1995Software Visions
IBM PC DOS pack.original Memory1991Paris Soft., Jimmy
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mice Men Sw 1992Soleau Soft., Inc.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Midnight Oil Sw 1990Rasa, Randy
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mille Bornes Ver. 1.2 Sw 1988Unique Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mille Bornes Ver. 1.3 Sw 1990Unique Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mille French Card Game Sw 1991Unique Soft.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mindcube Sw 1990Soleau Soft., Inc.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Minefield for Everybody1994Warshaw, Judah
IBM PC DOS pack.original Miramar Simulator Sw 1989AweSoft, Inc.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Missile Attack Sw 1990Soleau Soft., Inc.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Mix and Match Ver. 1.2 Sw 1991Carr Soft., Richard E.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Monopoly II Sw 1985Hoops, Nick
IBM PC DOS pack.original Monopoly Ver. 2 Sw 1989TEGL Systems Corp.
IBM PC DOS pack.original Monte Carlo Sw 1991Rasa, Randy
IBM PC DOS pack.original Moon1982Stafford, Mike
IBM PC DOS pack.original Moon Mountain Adventure Sw 1987Hanlin, Thomas
IBM PC DOS pack.original Moraff's Blast I Sw 1990Moraffware
IBM PC DOS pack.original Moraff's Cybermemory Sw 199?Moraffware
IBM PC DOS pack.original Moraff's Cyberpinball Sw 199?Moraffware

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