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Chris Crawford

Atari 400/800 cart.Eastern Front - 1941 [Model RX8039]1982Atari, Inc. [CA, USA]
IBM PC 5.25in. diskPatton vs. Rommel [Model 1318]1987Electronic Arts [CA, USA] [14633]
Commodore C64 diskPatton vs. Rommel [Model 1320]1987Electronic Arts [CA, USA] [14633]
IBM PC 5.25+3.5in. diskSimEarth - The Living Planet1990Maxis Soft. [Moraga, CA, USA]
Atari 800/Apple II/PET/TRS-80 cass.Tanktics [Model 41201]1981Microcomputer Games
Atari 2600 cart.Wizard1980Atari, Inc. [CA, USA]