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Ken Allen

IBM PC/AT DOS 3.5in. diskDescent1995Interplay
Sony PlayStation CD-ROMDestruction Derby Raw [Model SCES-02060]2000Psygnosis, Ltd.
IBM PC/AT DOS CDJones in the Fast Lane1992Sierra On-Line, Inc. [USA] [20626]
IBM PC 5.25+3.5in. diskJones in the Fast Lane [Model 31745]1990Sierra On-Line, Inc. [USA] [20626]
Commodore Amiga 500 diskKing's Quest V - Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder1991Sierra On-Line, Inc. [USA] [20626]
PC/MS-Windows CDMummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh1996Interplay
IBM PC/AT DOS 3.5in. diskSpace Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers1991Sierra On-Line, Inc. [USA] [20626]
IBM PC 5.25+3.5in. diskThe Colonel's Bequest - A Laura Bow Mystery [Model 31335]1989Sierra On-Line, Inc. [USA] [20626]
Sony PlayStation CD-ROMTop Gun - Fire at Will! [Model SLUS-00032]1996Spectrum HoloByte
Nintendo GBA cart.Zapper [Model AGB-AZPE-USA]2003Infogrames, Inc. [NY, USA] [42725]